Thursday, December 31, 2009
pintu gerbang
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
and she asked me to think thoroughly, as an adult.
actually, it's not that i had never think of it before, but i didn't take it seriously.
Allah knows what is inside urs and mine.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
it's the Eid season
gave Cikgu Majid [my homeroom teacher when I was in MJSC Lenggong in year 2003 and 2004] a call.
Cikgu: Owh, Aainaa. Selamat Hari Raya. Kamu apa khabar, skang?
me: Baik, baik. Cikgu plak macam mana? Buat apa lepas bersara?
Cikgu: Cikgu sihat je. Cuma skang kena makan ubat, pasalnya ada darah tinggi. Skang ni, duk-duk rumah je. Berkebun sket-sket. Aina kat USM lagi ke?
me: Haah.. kat USM lagi. lambat lagi, Cikgu. Skang ni tahun ke-4. Ada setahun lagi, Insya Allah..
Cikgu: Owh.. dah x lama dah tu..
me: Jap eh, Cikgu.. Ayah nak cakap dengan Cikgu.
after finished chit-chatting on the phone...
me: sama? sama macam mana?
Ayah: Ayah pun tak tau. Cikgu Majid tu masih ingat lagi aina.
another one was...
a simple message was sent by me...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Dr Hazar.
Maaf Zahir & Batin.
`Aainaa Nur Raihana Abdullah
R1 PASUM 05/06
Salam. Thanks Aainaa.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to u 2. Entah nape ramai ex-assasian ingat saya hari ni.
How r u? Aainaa d USM kan?
Work hard n take care.
- Dr. Hazar Bebe
felt good that my PA [Penasihat Akademik] from the college [which i have graduated from about 4 years ago] still could remember me even though i was not really a good student who keep on asking questions and knocking on the lecturers' doors.
Friday, September 18, 2009
J'en ai marre [I'm fed up!]
Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
My goldfish is under me
To bathe for hours
Makes my mouth water
I'm "foamely" ecstatic
It's not a problem
I lazy 'round
Bubbly and stubborn
I lazy 'round
Melon and water
Is just a dream
It makes me wonder
Is it a "sin" ?
Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
"Bombs", you keep away from me!
Today lying low
Twisting up my toes
I swim in such harmony
So what bothers me
Chorus :
I'm fed up with loneliness
With my uncle overstressed
Fumbling, crawling for something
That never shows, just a dream.
I'm fed up with creeps crying
Over the past, such a sin
Not to be cool, but a fool
If I could mess up their rules.
I'm fed up with your complaints
Baby, well I'm not a saint!
Fed up with the rain, the plane...
That makes me throw up again.
I'm fed up with all cynics
Bathing caps and all critics
I'm fed up with being fed up! Poor me!
Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
My goldfish still under me!
Delight of pleasures
Aquatic treasures
A place out of misery, my fantasy.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
a lesson for said-to-be world class uni
PAGI 24 Ogos 2009, saya mendapat satu panggilan telefon. ‘‘Hello, siapa di sana,’’ saya menyapa ringkas. Jawab pemanggil, ‘‘Saya buat panggilan dari Universiti Malaya... boleh saya bercakap dengan Aina?’’ Jawab saya, ‘‘Anak saya berada di USM Kubang Kerian, kenapa?’’ Tanya saya pendek.
‘‘Mengikut rekod kami, beliau masih lagi berhutang dengan universiti sebanyak RM200 lebih iaitu yuran standard yang dikenakan kepada setiap pelajar yang memasuki Pusat Asasi Sains UM sebagai yuran pendaftaran.’’ kata pemanggil itu.
‘‘Aik!’’ Jawab saya dengan rasa terkejut. Jelas saya lagi, ‘‘Takkan selepas empat tahun lebih, pihak universiti baru perasan yang anak saya tidak menjelaskan yuran pendaftaran kemasukan. Sedangkan semasa dia mendaftar di Pusat Asasi Sains UM pada bulan Mei 2005 dahulu, saya yang menjelaskan yuran ini di bank iaitu mengikut arahan sebagaimana dalam surat tawaran.’’
‘‘Kerana syarat pendaftaran, pelajar tidak boleh didaftarkan sehingga pelajar itu tidak menunjukkan slip bank yang membuktikan yuran pendaftaran telah dijelaskan. You all ni tak buat kerja ke?’’ Saya mulai naik marah.
Inikah standard yang dikatakan universiti bertaraf World Class. Sehinggakan ambil masa hampir lima tahun untuk mengesan seseorang pelajarnya yang tidak menjelaskan yuran.
‘‘Ini bukan salah saya lagi. You all semak la dengan bank sebab slip bank yang kita gunakan itu ada tercetak butiran lengkap nama pelajar dan nombor kad pengenalan. Salinan slip bank ini juga kami serahkan semasa pendaftaran dahulu. Itu tugas you sekarang, saya tidak mahu masuk campur. Saya tidak kira berapa puluh tahun lagi you nak semak, you semak. Yang pasti, saya hendak bersihkan nama anak saya itu daripada rekod yang telah dicap liat menjelaskan hutang akibat kecuaian orang lain,’’ ujar saya lagi.
Dalam tempoh tersebut, saya tidak pernah pula menerima sebarang notis tuntutan tunggakan yuran tersebut. Sedangkan saya sudah tinggal di alamat yang sama lebih 20 tahun. Sekarang zaman ICT yang canggih- manggih. Apakah Universiti Malaya sebagai universiti yang tertua di rantau Asia ini masih tidak berubah menyemak rekod pelajarnya menggunakan kaedah teknologi purba.
Walaupun ini merupakan kes terpencil, pada saya masalah berkaitan dengan kewangan ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku dalam tempoh yang begitu lama. Cuba andaikan pelajar itu tidak lagi menyimpan rekod-rekod pembayaran yang dibuat. Apakah pihak universiti bersedia untuk menimbang bagi mengabaikan begitu sahaja hutang tersebut? Tentunya tidak.
Senario ini hanyalah untuk renungan mereka yang telah diberi amanah. Kadang-kadang kita lupa amanah yang dipertanggungjawab itu amat berat dipikul kepada orang yang tahu nilainya. Kecuali bagi mereka yang menilainya dengan kebendaan.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
neurosurgeons and me
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
lesson: never borrow other's belongings~! haihz~
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dalam mengejar kehidupan hidup dunia yang fana,
manusia terlupa menabur budi,
Apakah aku kan jadi begitu juga suatu ketika nanti?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
lil info on
- they injured themselves, but no intention to self-murder
- usually female > male
- young age (15-25)
- most common method: drug overdose
- associated with low sosioeconomic and unemployed
- also associated with psychiatric d/o (depression, dysthmia, alcohol dependence, personality d/o)
Source: Textbook of Psychiatry 2nd Edition [Churchill Livingstone]
Monday, July 27, 2009
for log book or for long run?
One of the topics: Log-book?
Prof: "Lecturers are treating students to be more childish by using the log books."
Me: "But if there is no log books, not so many students will discipline themselves to go to the ward. It's better to have log-book oriented students".
Prof: "All students now are log-book oriented without actually realize the "juice" behind it. If it is me, it does not matter how many signs the student get. Even if it 7 or 8, it will be just fine. As long as you learn the skills, it's fine. bcoz to me, you guys are here to prepare yourself, becoming a competent housement. it is for a long run, you know. Ni tidak, bila buat log book, students said lecturers are treating them childish.. tapi kalo x buat, students pulak x mau ke ward or clinic, gaining more experience. Bila ada log-book, once completed, even batang hidung pun dah x nampak. You all should not be like this, you know".
Me: [terpaku]- actually, that was my intention before. i once said to myself, when i had done with all the signature, i had no longer need to go to the ward or clinic for case clerking and etc. But now, i realized that i was wrong in my intention.
to change from a log-book oriented student --> becoming a competent student who is enjoying the long run in order to be a competent future doctor. Insya Allah.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A- Amnesia (Anterograde/Retrograde)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
walk, walk and walk
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
benar atau logik?
Tidak semua perkara yang benar itu logik
Kisah 1: Seorang kafir (OK) berkata pada orang mukmin (OM) yang sedang berwudhuk:
OK: “Kenapa kamu wudhuk?
OM: “Aku tadi batal wudhuk sebab terkentut”
OK: ” Aku heran, kamu kentut di belakang tapi kenapa kamu cuci muka, tangan, kepala dan kaki kamu? Kenapa kamu tidak cuci tempat yang keluar kentut?OM: “Ini arahan Tuhanku, aku taat saja”
OK: “Jelas sekali agama kamu ini tidak benar. Arahannya tidak logik sama sekali”
OM: “Kebenaran itu tidak semestinya logik”
OK: ” Apa buktinya?
OM: Yuk ikut aku
OM membawa OK ke sebuah pintu. Lalu OM memegang tangan OK, kemudian menyepit tangan OM dengan pintu itu. OK menjerit kesakitan.
OK: Aduh tangan aku sakit…tolong lepaskan tangan aku!
OM: Baiklah…inilah jawabanku: tangan kamu yang sakit, tapi kenapa mulut kamu yang menjerit.
OM pun meninggalkan OK yang bodoh sombong itu dalam kesakitan….
Tidak semua perkara yang logik itu benar..
Kisah2: Seorang kafir (OK) berkata kepada orang mukmin (OM)
OK: Tuhan kamu sungguh tidak adil
OM: Kenapa?
OK: Tuhan kamu menghukum manusia dan syaitan yang jahat di dalam neraka yang terbuat dari api. Tentu saja manusia tersiksa tapi syaitan enak saja.
OM: Kenapa begitu?
OK: Yalah…manusia dicipta dari tanah, kalau dibakar dengan api hangus, sakitlah. Tapi syaitan dicipta dari api, kalau dibakar dengan api relaks lah….tdk terasa apa-apa….
OM: Tidak begitu. Tuhan aku kata, mereka semua akan tersiksa…
OK: Ah…tdk mungkin. Logiknya manusia saja yg tersiksa, syaitan tidak
OM diam sebentar, lalu dia meninggalkan OK. Beberapa waktu kemudian OM datang lagi dengan membawa sebongkah tanah keras dan melemparnya tepat ke dahi OK. Dahi OK luka berlumuran darah. Kemudian dia membawa OM menghadap seorang hakim. Setelah mendengar cerita dari kedua belah pihak ttg kejadian itu, maka hakim bertanya pada OM.
Hakim: mengapa kamu lempar OK begitu?
OM : Maaf Tuan Hakim, OK mengatakan bahwa Tuhan tidak adil kerana menghukum manusia dan syaitan yang jahat di dalam neraka yang terbuat dari api. Tentu saja manusia tersiksa tapi syaitan enak saja sbb syaitan dicipta dari api. Logiknya memang begitu, tapi itu tidak benar. TIDAK SEMUA YANG LOGIK ITU BENAR. Sebagai buktinya saya lempar dia dengan tanah. Logiknya OK, manusia yg dicipta dari tanah kalau dilempar dengan tanah tidak sakit, bukan? Tapi buktinya OK luka dan sakit. Saya tidak bermaksud menyakitinya, saya hanya mau menjawab pertanyaannya.
Renungan kepada para pengagum Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, para saintis, filosof dan yang sejenis dengannya
Kalau begitu, siapakah sebenarnya manusia yang paling cerdik? Einstein, dll yang kafir atau orang mukmin (walaupun dia hanya tukang kebun)?
Tidak semua perkara yang benar itu logik, dan tidak semua perkata yang logik itu benar.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
kembara queensland [day 7] - 270509
just "lepak-ing" at home.
however, i still wanna "share" the FREE accommodation that I had been "offered".
both of the 2-seats sofas were donated
in fact, it should be called "serving" room coz the foods were served there,
but we ate in the living room.
that was the extra queen sized mattress
kaya kan? still have EXTRA2!!! haha~
bathtub + shower, it offered.
the toilet? [no pics shown]
just next to the bathroom.
no water running from the pipe.
coz there was no pipe in the toilet.
got to fill in the pail with water before any process could be done.
[what to do? it was Aussie's style.. haha~]
sekian sahaja kembara Queensland untuk hari ketujuh.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
kembara queensland [day 6] - 260509
finally, managed to observe students' life; appearance, attitude, cultures, and etc..
while Cik Tie was concentrating on the topics taught, I was observing the students.. they were different from us.. but, not really totally different la..
first, let say about the punctuality to the lectures.. the students there were not punctual!!! they didn't come to class on the time they should; got into the lecture hall even after 30 minutes. we're going to be dead meat if we do the same thing, but the lecturers there didn't even bother at this important attitude.. for our lecturers, the common sentence: patient will die because of your attitude! [yeah~ lecturers for the future doctors. so, what do you expect they may say to us?] owh yes, another important attitude that is always being stressed on in Msia is the appearance; cloths, hair styles, and etc.. in UQ, students wore anything they wanted to; shorts, sleeveless, round nect t-shirts.. hairstyles? free to do any style; trojan? Beckham's? Alleycats's? red monkey's style? any styles were allowed.. but in my uni, should be no trojan, no Beckham's, no Alleycats's, no red monkey's style.. hair should be nicely combed, no dyes.. however, we're only human beings, not robots that were already programmed. that's why! we broke rules!!! haha~
then, the students themselves made the lectures as interactive sessions. Dr. AAAR was right! they read journals, books, and related stuff before entering the classes. but hey, why my friend was not like that? haha~ Cik Tie, Cik Tie... haihz~ they discussed their understandings, expressed their opinions and so on during the lectures. i think, that was quite a good attitude.. no shameful even if they didn't get themselves right.. [eventhough i'm "GOOD" in commenting, that doesn't mean anything. i'm not a student who loves to knock on lecturer's door, asking question and clarifying things I didn't understand.. but yeah~ exception for certain lecturers whom I believed that they were cute and energetic!!] and the coolest sentence from one of the lecturers was "I'm not so sure about that. I will check it out for you". i think, that was so cool.. please.. do not misunderstand me. i didn't say that there was none of Msian lecturers were like that, but I could hardly found ones, even for Msian lecturers who graduated from abroad..
tired, i am now.
pasted on the bulletin board
it's not only a matter of religion, but also human rights
hopefully, my APEX uni will have one :D
nak duduk atas rumput jugak!!! :P
how did i feel?
no feeling!
it looks like only a bricks-building
but inside it, it has First Year Learning Centre which is AWESOME!!!
benches were full!
more interested in answering the above question :)
why is marriage such an expensive ritual?
"really??? i don't think so.
marriage is expensive because ppl wants it to be that way.
life after marriage costs more."
i wonder how much will it cost, if it is built now.
nice shot! thanks, Ami :P
Hawken Drive [way to Cik Tie's house]
Hawken lagi? Who is he?
he was the 1st lecturer in Civil Engineering. Later, he became Professor in Engineering at UQ. after read the wikipedia, i also managed to know that he also designed the early version of the Sydney Harbour Bridge :P
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
happy together
Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
So happy together
If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
So happy together
How is the weather
So happy together
We're happy together
So happy together
Happy together
So happy together
So happy together (ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba)
it seems to be a bit classical, and yet, I still love it :D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

[there's no connection between the photo and the title]
Khabarnya, lagu ini menceritakan kehidupan Ella setelah terlibat lebih 2o tahun dalam bidang nyanyian. Perjalanan seni Ella ternyata bukan suatu yang mudah. Dia gigih, yakin dan tetap meneruskan perjuangannya dalam bidang seni. Sampai sekarang, namanya bertapak dan lagu-lagu nostalgianya masih menjadi siulan kenangan.
Rama-rama digambarkan satu kebebasan bagi seorang wanita. Cantik sayapnya namun perlu diingatkan rama-rama akan bertukar rupa juga pada masa yang sudah dijanjikan. Ya! Manusia akan berubah mengikut peredaran masa.
Rama-rama adalah simbol kepada kedamaian dan ketenangan. Manusia mana yang mahu hidup dalam derita dek peperangan dan kemusnahan. Terbangnya rama-rama yang sentiasa mewarnai alam mencerminkan satu kehidupan yang sentiasa mencabar. Hidup perlu ada satu matlamat dan tujuan.
Erti kata lain, hidup ini bukan satu permainan. Hidup satu perjuangan yang tiada penghujung. Selagi nyawa tidak bercerai dari jasad, selagi itu manusia akan mengejar impian dalam meniti titian kehidupan.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
kembara queensland [day 5] - 250509
[tend to be scared of high places even on double decker bed. but of course not the planes :D]
it was ray. if not mistaken, ray is somewhat related to those frightening sharks.
i also touched the Star of The Sea. bunyi sedap je, tapi it only refers to tapak sulaiman.. haha~
hey~! just chill out~!!!
this ride was amazing and not to be missed!!
full of high tech stuff to be enjoyed during the ride :D
i had been told that it was a new thrilling ride.
it was different from any other typical coaster, coz you were riding on a jetski!!!
SCARRY, but it was FUN!!!
more suitable for kiddos, but I didn't want to be missed out!!! :D
the Stage Show - Bert & Ernie's Island Holiday
happy faces :D
in other words, merry-go-round :P
that was too much.
so childish, we were :)
human-dolphin relationship
If this kind of thing can happen, the jet ski manufacturers can declare themselves bankrupt!!! haha~
i thought they were white in color.
in the map that the Sea World gave us earlier, we had been kindly asked to return to the Polar Bear Shores if the bears were napping or in their dens.
so, no more wonder about the notice given!!! haha~
during Fish Detectives Sea Lion Show
a very funny show from 2 sea lions which were considered to be the detectives!!!
lots of skyscrapers!!! architects did really show their talents here :D no wonder people said that it is the JEWEL of Gold Coast. and not only the architects, artists also "showed off" their talents here.. sand sculptures were so nice.. but very hard to be understood. what were they trying to show us? i did not know. and still, don't know. haha~
kenapa ada banyak sangat bangunan with clocks in Australia?
symbolic, maybe.. haha~
i did not know what they were meant for.
was it only an art?
or more than that?