Friday, May 18, 2012

relaxation therapy - Dilla

with Dilla at OU on 18052012
Dilla called this; "relaxation therapy"
it has been a while since i went out with buddies
need more dating in the future :)
i'm happy, coz i'm progressing (erk.. whatever?!)
Dilla, you were the first person seeing me wearing tudung that way!
Next hang out, gonna try out something that is a no-no for me in the past.
Wait and see, till the next dating :)



ck irah said...

Ble nk pki shawll

ck irah said...

Ble nk pki shawll

ck irah said...

Ble nk pki shawll

ck irah said...

Ble nk pki shawll

Unknown said...

Kerja, kerja juga. tapi life mesti nak ada juga.kena keep in balance. apapun, keep strong aainaa.,